Current Projects
A randomized clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of web-SUCCEED (Web-based Self-management Using Collaborative Coping EnhancEment in Diseases), a theoretically-derived, dyadic, self-management program. Web-SUCCEED is designed to improve self-management by improving dyadic stress coping and strengthening collaboration and communication.
South Asian Family Approaches to Disease
"Safad" in Gujarati, a South Asian language, means "succeed". The SAFAD study will be building off of the SUCCEED (Self-care Using Collaborative Care Enhancement in Disease) program that targets the self-management needs of patients and their caregivers. The SAFAD study is focused on helping South Asians managing breast cancer and the family and friends who care for them succeed by improving the resources and community-based services available to. SAFAD will support South Asians managing breast cancer by improving their access to emotional support, honoring familial relationships, and improving their knowledge of culturally relevant community services.
Web-Based Self-Management Tool Targeting Patients and Their Informal Caregivers
This project supports the development and pilot testing of a web-based program aimed at improving communication, collaboration, and stress management within patient-caregiver dyads.
Care Coordination for High-Risk Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions
The objective of this study is to advance understanding of care fragmentation and care coordination’s potential among high-risk Veterans with multiple chronic conditions.
Understanding Patient Management of COPD Exacerbations
The research objective of this grant is to understand medical and psychosocial contributors to COPD exacerbations, and then develop an intervention for early identification of exacerbations.
Completed Projects
Psychosocial Predictors of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Burn Patients
Prospective study to examine psychosocial predictors of PTSD in patients with thermal injuries.
Effects of Caregiver Stress on Medical Outcomes in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure
Prospective observational cohort study examining stress in heart failure patients and their caregivers, and the impact of caregiver stress on heart failure self-management.
Enhancing Caregiver Support for Heart Failure Patients: The Carepartner Study
The purpose of the randomized trial was to evaluate the impact of extending the reach of health information technology by incorporating a protocol-driven model for improved monitoring and self-management support by a CarePartner.
Disparities in Mental Health Consultation
The purpose of this study was to determine reasons for disparities in depression consultation among COPD patients.
Barriers & Facilitators of Empowering Couples in Managing Heart Failure
This award supports two sub-studies: 1) a mixed methods study of Veterans with heart failure and their significant others to understand barriers and facilitators of managing heart failure at home, and 2) a pilot study to evaluate a couples’ self-management intervention that addresses the barriers and facilitators identified in the first study.
Translating an Existing Couples' Based Self-Management Program into Web-Based Interactive Training to Manage Congestive Heart Failure
This study will translate a couples’-based self-management intervention, that is being currently piloted, into web-based modules. Transforming into a web-based format will allow for independent training by patients and their spousal caregivers.
Determining Framily Characteristics to Enhance Personalized Engagement of Patients in Clinical Care
This is a qualitative study to understand how patients with heart failure and their family and friends navigate the healthcare system, and how the coordinate care with each other.
Advance Care Planning in Elderly Veterans with Advanced Kidney Disease
The goal of this study is develop and test a patient-centered model of advance care planning tailored to older Veterans with advanced kidney disease and their families.
Interdependence of Stress Among Patients and Their Family Caregivers
The objective of this study is to determine whether patient and caregiver responses for stress, physical activity, and sleep are interdependent as measured by both self-report and objective markers.
Telemonitoring Enhanced Support for Depression of Self-Management
The research objective of this supplement is to understand how depressed patients and two of their informal caregivers collaborate to improve depression self-management.