Derek Boothroyd
Dr. Boothroyd joined the QSU in October 2014. He received his PhD in Statistics from Stanford University in 2001 where his doctoral research was applied to modeling progression of kidney function in diabetic nephropathy. While a student at Stanford, he worked on studies in the Department of Health Research and Policy relating to coronary artery disease, primarily a clinical trial comparing cost-effectiveness and quality of life after coronary revascularization. After graduating, he joined that department as a staff statistician, working there from 2001 until joining Quantitative Sciences Unit. He continued to collaborate primarily on studies relating to coronary revascularization including analyses of clinical trials, of pooled individual patient data from multiple clinical trials, and of data from Medicare. Between 2003 and 2010 he also worked with researchers at the Center for Quality Management in Public Health (now the Population Health group) at the Palo Alto VA looking at national VA patterns of care and outcomes for patients with HIV and Hepatitis C. His statistical interests include treatment heterogeneity, matching for observational studies, and cost-effectiveness.